In the alcoholic beverages industry, congeners are substances, other than the desired type of alcohol, ethanol, produced during fermentation. These substances include small amounts of chemicals such as methanol and other alcohols, acetone, acetaldehyde, esters, histamines, and aldehydes.
PURUS filter is proven to remove congeners in a Costal Carolinas University study .
What to Know About Congeners in Alcohol
The central portion of an alcoholic drink is ethyl alcohol, or ethanol. But there are other compounds in alcohol, too. These are called congeners, and experts suggest that they may be the reason behind hangovers.
Which Drinks Are High in Congeners?
Tequila, cognac, and whiskey are drinks high in congeners. Bourbon whiskey has a substantial amount of congeners, more than most other alcoholic drinks. Wines often have a flushing Drinking alcoholic drinks high in congeners have adverse effects & can give you an intense hangover.
Why does wine give me a headache?
Acetaldehyde toxin buildup leads to flushing, headache, nausea
People can end up accumulating the toxin acetaldehyde, explains lead author Apramita Devi, postdoctoral researcher with the UC Davis Department of Viticulture and Enology.
“Acetaldehyde is a well-known toxin, irritant and inflammatory substance,” said Devi. “Researchers know that high levels of acetaldehyde can cause facial flushing, headache and nausea.”